
这些课程是由NYS车管所批准的执照豁免:基本驾驶执照豁免课程, Basic RiderCourse 2 for License Waiver, 和3轮基础骑行课程.


Explore the schedules for the 2024 season! 报名将于2月11日星期一开始. 26!

 Schedule of 电单车骑手课程

学生s taking Motorcyle Rider courses are required to bring their own helmet.


Basic RiderCourse (BRC) for License Waiver

In the Basic RiderCourse you will learn:

  • Street strategies to avoid trouble and stay safe.
  • How to maneuver in tough situations.
  • 转弯、避免碰撞、特殊情况、变道、超车和避免危险.

基础骑行课程提供课堂和实际的摩托车/踏板车操作员培训, 小巷的环境.

摩托车: 如果你想学骑马, but just don't want to use a clutch, take your Basic RiderCourse (BRC) for license waiver on a scooter. 你 MUST reserve a scooter when you register for your BRC


  • 不需要经验, however, you must be able to ride a bicycle. A STRONG sense of balance is required!
  • 任何学生不得参加,除非符合先决条件和所需的骑行装备列在 BRC附加信息! (不退还)
  • 纽约州车管所政策规定: 所有学生必须持有有效的纽约州驾驶执照或摩托车驾驶执照才能参加基础骑手课程. 如果你没有有效的纽约州驾驶执照或摩托车执照,学生将不允许参加课程. 所有年龄在16至17岁的学生必须有经过公证的家长或监护人在《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》上签字, 在开始练习骑骑前的弃权和赔偿表格-没有例外. There will be no refund or re-schedule given. NYSMSP也接受纽约州汽车部门接受的州外学生证书. To qualify for the motorcycle road test waiver, the student must present a current and valid New York State driver's license. 在使用道路测试豁免完成卡之前,学生将被要求获得纽约州摩托车许可证. (参见下面的常见问题解答和 取消及退款政策 欲知详情)
  • 拥有有效的纽约州驾驶执照和有效的纽约州摩托车学习许可证的学生可以成功完成本课程,作为摩托车道路测试的替代方案. 在开始任何课程之前,学生必须持有有效的纽约州驾驶执照和有效的纽约州摩托车学习者许可证. (See FAQs below for further detail)
  • All BRC students are urged to read the BRC学生手册 在参加第一节课之前,完成最后的研究问题.
  • 电子课程:你必须在上课后30天内完成MSF在线电子课程. After you register, the college will send you the link. There is no additional charge for the eCourse.

Includes important information related to this course, including a listing of required protective riding gear.

Basic RiderCourse 2 for License Waiver (BRC2-LW)

The 摩托车安全基金会 Basic RiderCourse 2 for License Waiver (BRC2- LW), 是纽约州摩托车安全计划(NYSMSP)为纽约人提供的独特的骑行课程。. 你 必须年满18岁吗 to participate in the BRC2 –LW per NYS DMV. If you are under age 18, you may not enroll in this course.

本课程包括在线课程(eccourse)和在自己的摩托车或踏板车上练习骑行练习. The online course must be completed before attending the riding exercises.

该课程旨在进一步发展您的骑行技能,在我们安全的骑行环境中驾驶自己的街头合法摩托车或踏板车. The riding exercises conclude with a Skills Evaluation.

BRC2-LW是为有一些街头骑行技巧和经验(制动)的个人设计的, 转弯, (转向)并持有有效的纽约州摩托车许可证至少一个日历年. 本课程不适合初学者.

要获得NYSMSP BRC2-LW道路考试豁免完成卡,您必须成功完成MSF BRC2-LW课程(在线)并通过该范围的技能评估. 你的成功完成使你有资格获得纽约机动车管理局道路测试的摩托车执照道路测试豁免.

当您注册课程时,您将获得一个代码,用于参加MSF在线电子课程,作为您注册的一部分. The online portion must be completed within 30 days of your riding class.


  • 必须年满18岁吗 to participate in the BRC2 –LW per NYS DMV. If you are under age 18, you may not enroll in this course.
  • 完成在线课程,并携带完成课程骑乘部分的证明.
  • 如果学生不能在停车场展示基本的骑术,他们将不被允许继续. (不退还)
  • 你 must bring your own street-legal, insured and registered motorcycle or scooter. 必须带相同的证明吗. 如果你不符合这个要求,你将不能继续学习这门课程. (不退还)
  • Bring original and copy of your valid NYS driver's license and permit. 没有这些就无法继续. (不退还)
  • 州外许可证持有人, contact your local DMV to see if they accept this new NYS training for waiver. Contact Maggie with questions at (877) 743-3518.

Basic RiderCourse 2 for License Waiver Additional Information (PDF)
Includes important information related to this course, including a listing of required protective riding gear.

3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse (3WBRC)

无国界医生的三轮基础骑行课程是在学校提供的三轮训练装置上教授的,三轮训练装置有两个前轮和一个后轮. 你 may bring your own street legal 3-wheel motorcycle to the class if you prefer. Proof of current registration and insurance required. 摩托车/侧车钻机和静坐式三轮车不允许进入班级. 如果你打算骑两轮摩托车,你必须参加BRC或BRC-2执照豁免课程. 本课程由摩托车安全基金会赞助,并获得NYS DMV三轮摩托车执照批准. It is a two day course that includes both classroom and on-vehicle riding exercises. 

3WBRC是一个以研究为基础,以行动为导向的核心课程,旨在教授所有年龄段的初级三轮摩托车手在街道上安全骑行所必需的身体和心理技能. It includes basic 3-wheel motorcycle operation, maximum effective braking techniques, 把技能, 避障机动, classroom instruction and two half days of "on 3WMC" training.

毕业生有资格获得NYS DMV道路测试豁免三轮摩托车执照. 车管所颁发的驾照, 成功完成后, 只可驾驶三轮电单车,而不适用于两轮电单车.


  • 不需要经验.
  • 没有满足3WBRC附加信息中列出的先决条件和所需骑行装备的学生将不允许参加.
  •  所有学生必须持有有效的纽约州驾驶执照或摩托车驾驶执照才能参加3轮基础骑行课程. 如果你没有有效的纽约州驾驶执照或摩托车执照,学生将不允许参加课程. 学生s with a driver’s license and motorcycle permit from NYS, 佛蒙特州和马萨诸塞州将有资格使用成功完成本课程作为替代三轮摩托车道路测试. 摩托车许可证可以在上课之前或之后获得,并且必须到位,以利用成功完成课程作为道路考试的豁免. 其他州可能接受成功完成道路测试豁免,但学生有责任在上课前与州DMV核实.  

Includes important information related to this course, including a listing of required protective riding gear.



NYSMSP = New York State Motorcyclist Safety Program (车管所分部)
MSF = 摩托车安全基金会
BRC2-LW = MSF Basic RiderCourse 2 - License Waiver
3WBRC = 3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse


Division of 员工发展 and 社区教育

Fitzgibbons 健康 Technologies Center, Room 334

传真: (518) 629-8103

有规律: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): 周一至周四,上午8点.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
(excluding college holidays and vacations)